Rackets for Everyone!

Get More Spin aims to unite people who come from all walks of life through their passion for racket games. People of all ages and skill levels are able to enjoy the game of table tennis and numerous other racket sports with the added benefit of meeting new people who share similar interests. 


let the ball rolling.

Racket sports explained

Experts say that racket sports are fun, habit forming and contribute immensely to a person’s overall fitness and mental health. It doesn’t matter if you are a seasoned professional or just a beginner… 

Everyone knows how to identify a racket, but do you know what racket sports really entail? 

Let’s dive right in.

What are Racket Sports?

Racket sports can be described as a sport where you use rackets to hit a ball or shuttlecock to play. These games can be played for fun or competitively and are a wonderful form of physical activity.  

They are able to provide endless opportunities regardless of the weather and are perfect for fitness, recreation and socializing.

Table Tennis

Table tennis is a sport that enables two or four players to hit a lightweight ball back and forth across a table using small rackets.  The game is played on a hard table with a small net running across the middle. Our Introduction to Table Tennis is a detailed guide to cover all the aspects of this popular racket sport.


Pickleball is a paddle sport that is a mix between badminton, tennis and ping pong. It’s very social, strategic, and convenient game. Players use special paddles and a pickleball ball to play on smaller courts. 

Racket Sport History

Racket sports are said to have started in the 18th century and were an extremely loved pastime in London’s King’s Bench and Fleet debtors prisons. The game was modified by the prisoners who played games of fives by using rackets to speed up the game.  They began by playing against the prison walls. It soon gained popularity beyond the prison and was played in alleyways and behind pubs, thereafter, spreading to schools.  Later on, proper four-wall courts were constructed specially for the game.

Racket Sports to Promote Health

Engaging in any kind of racket sport is a great way to get a full cardio workout as well as develop muscle.  It is also beneficial in the improvement of strength and stamina.  When racket games are played regularly, they can also improve reflexes, hand-eye co-ordination and balance and help to tone and strengthen your core muscles as well as your upper and lower body.  

Work up a sweat, increase your heart rate and make your heart stronger and healthier than ever!

Spinning our Youth

A child’s body is continually growing and developing, and racket games can go a long way to significantly enhance the development and health of your child. Racket games can do the following for your child:

  • Increase motor skills development
  • Increase Muscle development
  • Develop hand-eye coordination
  • Psychologically beneficial
  • Promote social development

Female Population

Women and girls who are involved in sports tend to feel better about themselves socially and physically by building up confidence as they see their skills improving and their goals becoming a reality.

There are many benefits to female participation in sport such as weight loss, getting into shape and making life-long friends.

Racket sports create opportunities for women and girls to engage in the sport and empower them on many individual levels by promoting teamwork, leadership skills and self-confidence.

Ethnic Minorities

Participation in most sports varies between many ethnic groups, traditions and rituals. In general, ethnic minorities have had to experience a long history of being excluded from participation in some organized sporting events and competitions. Even when participation rates in certain sports are high, ethnic minorities have been excluded from positions of power in sports such as management and coaching.

Research has shown that the overall participation in sport for most ethnic minority groups is on average 6% lower than the national average. 


We Smashed it!

People playing racket sports achieve these amazing stats…

Lost weight
1 %
Reached their goals
1 %

Strengthening the “Spin” in Communities

Racket sports can create conversations by providing a common ground and unified sense of purpose and love for the game. This forges bonds between players and allows for positive interaction between people living in communities.

The Elderly

Racket games do not only keep the elderly physically fit; they also “serve” the purpose of keeping their brains fit. 

  • The hand-eye coordination that is used when playing racket sports significantly assists to heal brain cells and prevent dementia. 
  • Table tennis can improve brain function even more than the likes of dancing, walking or resistance training! 
  • Balance and weight shifting abilities are also improved which can lower the risk or falls.

The Physically Disabled

People who are physically disabled can benefit immensely from sports. Being involved in sports can improve their overall health, emotional well-being and quality of life. 

Racket sports such as table tennis are extremely popular amongst people who have physical disabilities as it allows for the game to be played while using their wheelchairs. It also steadily increases its demands on the players which helps them to speed up their technical and tactical understanding of the game which can greatly improve their co-ordination and physical control. 

Racket sports are a wonderful way introduce sport to people with disabilities.

Mental Health Disorders

Racket sports require certain skills and once these skills have been mastered the sport can offer many physical and mental benefits. One of these benefits is the way in which it can assist people to adjust to their lifestyles and make friends by taking their minds off any anxiety and depression that they may be suffering from. 

Participation in racket sports enables them to think about how they can become better and gives them the ability to see others and their successes through sport. This provides them with the inspiration to try harder. 

Physical activity in general has endless positive effect on mental health by improving moods, reducing stress and preventing anxiety and depression.

Just like a ball, life is full of ups and downs.  Why not add some more “spin” and make it the best life ever! 

About us

Get More Spin is committed to offering more “spin” into your life by ensuring the health and wellness for all individuals young and old and from all walks of life.  Our goal is to unite and educate people when it comes to exercise and fitness, particularly when it involves racket sports such as table tennis.  

Read more about us
