Are Ping Pong Balls Made Out of Plastic?
What is a ping pong ball?
Ping pong is an equipment heavy sport. Ping pong balls are a lightweight, hollow plastic ball used in the sport of table tennis. They are the primary and crucial element in several sports, and ping pong is among them. In recent years, their substance transitioned from celluloid to plastic, which led to an evolution in the creation process.
Originally, ping pong balls were made of celluloid. However, this material was later changed to plastic due to health and safety concerns. The new material created a more consistent bounce and less problems with the balls breaking.
In this article, we will take a deeper look into what ping pong balls are made of, why their material was changed, and how it affected the sport.
You can also read about why do table tennis players touch the table and why do they say cho.
The Material Used in Ping Pong Balls
Ping pong balls are made from celluloid or plastic. Celluloid was the original material used to make ping pong balls, but it has been phased out due to its flammability. Plastic polystyrene is now the most common material used, and it is more durable and less likely to catch on fire than celluloid. The material used in ping pong balls has changed multiple times since the 1800s as technology has evolved.

What Are Ping Pong Balls Made Of?
Ping pong balls can be made from a variety of materials, but the most common are celluloid, polystyrene (poly), and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS). The International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) started using plastic polystyrene ‘poly’ balls in all their events in 2007. However, non-poly balls (celluloid) may still be legal for some tournaments. ABS is the new type of plastic being used by manufacturers and is the preferred ball over poly because of it’s roundness and durability.
Poly balls are a new type of ball that was introduced in 2014-2015. They are made out of a non-flammable plastic material and have quickly become the most popular type of ping pong ball. They create a slower game with more suspenseful rallies.
The manufacturing process for ping pong balls has changed a few times in recent years as the demand for plastic balls has increased. There is still some debate over the effects of using plastic ping pong balls, but the general consensus seems to be that they are not as durable as traditional celluloid balls and can cause more damage to tables and paddles.
What is Inside a Ping Pong Ball?
Ping pong balls are made of two hard plastic sheets that are sealed together. The balls are then filled with regular air at ambient pressure. This means that they don’t have a specific gas name attributed to them, as they only carry pressurized air to make them weigh right and bounce well. Additionally, the inside of a ping pong ball is filled with air and has several small holes in it. These holes play an important role in how well the ping pong ball rebounds when hit; their size and shape determine how much air escapes from the ball.
The Impact of Plastic Balls on Table Tennis
There are a number of advantages and disadvantages to using plastic balls in table tennis. The main advantage is that they are more consistent in terms of weight and bounce. This means that players can make fewer adjustments when playing with them. However, there have been some problems with the quality of the balls, which has led to the introduction of a new type of plastic ball.
Advantages of Plastic table tennis Balls
- They are more durable than celluloid balls and can withstand more wear and tear.
- They are less likely to shatter or crack than celluloid balls.
- They produce a louder sound when hit, which some people prefer.
Disadvantages of Plastic Table Tennis Balls
- The quality of plastic balls was initially quite poor and they were often seen as being less bouncy and responsive than celluloid balls.
- Some people believe that the sound that plastic balls make is not as pleasant as the sound made by celluloid balls.
Are Ping Pong Balls Toxic?
Ping pong balls are made of a non-toxic and durable plastic. They can be used in children’s playtime without any worry of them being harmed by the balls.
When it comes to the safety of ping pong balls, there is no need to worry. The balls are not toxic if you only touch their external surface. Before a product launches on the market, it must undergo rigorous testing for safety for human health. In the case of ping pong balls, this includes contact with skin. So, when playing table tennis or even just handling them, you can be assured that they are absolutely harmless when in contact with the skin.
ITTF Requirements For Table Tennis Balls
The International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) has a number of requirements for table tennis balls. They must meet approved color and weight standards, be spherical, have no shine, and be hard enough to bounce back to a height of 240-260 mm after being dropped from a height of 305 mm.
Why doesn’t ITTF have requirements for the material of ping pong balls?
The ITTF does not have specific requirements for the material of ping pong balls. The ITTF does not have a list of materials that are allowed or not allowed for a ping pong ball. The ITTF does not have a list of materials that are allowed or not allowed for a ping pong ball. The ITTF does not have a list of materials that are allowed or not allowed for a ping pong ball.
The ITTF has created guidelines encouraging creativity and the discovery of new materials for ping pong balls. The current policy is that the ping pong ball is standardized in size, weight, bounce, texture, hardness, color, sphere, thickness even labeling and packaging. However there is NO requirement for what a ball is made of. This policy was put into place because ping pong balls are considered a recreational sport.
Why does ITTF only approve ping pong balls a maximum of 3-star?
Some ping pong ball brands rate their balls 4 or 5 stars, but because the manufacturers rate their own balls, some of these balls may not be as good as 3 star balls of other brands. For official tournaments with ITTF approval, ITTF will not approve any ping pong balls that are branded with more than three stars. These ping pong balls will have to go through rigorous testing in order to be approved.
Popular table tennis balls brands
There are many different types of table tennis balls available on the market, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. It is important to choose the right ball for your playing style and needs, in order to achieve optimal results. Some of the most popular table tennis brands include Nittaku, Joola, Double Fish, and Butterfly. Each company has its own unique history and produces different equipment.
Nittaku is a Japanese company that produces table tennis equipment.
Joola is a German company that was one of the brands that produced the first standard ping pong tables in the early 1950s.
Double Fish is a Chinese company that was founded in the 1950s and has provided equipment for World Table Tennis Championships, Table Tennis World Cup, Table tennis at the Summer Olympics, etc.
Butterfly is a Japanese company founded by Hikosuke Tamasu.